Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog Entry #5; Quote.

I agree with the quote, "The American war is over, but this is far from being the case with the American Revolution. Nothing but the first act of the drama is closed." My reasoning for agreeing with this is because, I feel that this is basically stating that only one part of the war, or drama was over. There was still plenty more that they needed to face.
I'd like to apply this to everyday life, because I feel that this is something we're constantly having to deal with. In other words, we're only taking one day at a time, and everyday we're starting and ending a new part in our lives, and with the struggles that we face. The drama, the fighting, the war, the love, and the peace will never end. It's eternal.
Things are always going to end, and new things are always going to begin. I feel as though this quote is expressing that. Like it's saying, 'Yes, the problems are over for now, however there's still something that we haven't dealt with yet. There's still plenty more to come.'

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog Entry #4; Important Right.

In my opinion, the right to a freedom of speech is the most important. This is because, I believe that everyone should be able to express their opinion without having to be told that they're wrong, or that they shouldn't speak unless spoken to. However not everyone is technically granted this right. I mean, children are taught to respect their elders, even if they don't recieve respect in return. In school, you can't say certain things because they aren't 'proper'.
Teachers tell their students to ask questions pertaining to the lesson, and some people only want you to speak when you are granted permission. Technically with this right stated in the first amendment, we are more than welcome to speak whenever we want to. We shouldn't have to say things at the convience of others, but I guess not everyone sees it that way.
The freedom of speech is however, extremely important. Without it woman, children, and servants were wouldn't be speaking unless asked to. So, thank you first amendment, for granting me, as a minor and a female, the freedom of speech.Without you, there'd be a world of silence.

Inspiration Blog, #3; Bands.

So, I like a lot of different bands. Local bands, unknown bands, and well known bands. Some really good local bands that I like are Holliana Krucifex, and Undead Talent. Both of these bands have members that happen to be students of FLC. Some other really good bands that I like are Escape The Fate, A Day To Remember, Get Scared, Motionless In White, and Bullet For My Valentine. These bands happen to be well known bands, to people that like metal. Unknown to people that don't. The reason that I adore these bands so much is that they have wonderful lyics, and are very talented. The local bands that I like happen to be my friends, (Undead Talent), and my boyfriend's band, (Holliana Krucifex). These bands also have great lyrics, and work hard to create great music. They're really inspiring to me, because it shows me that I can actually chase after my dreams without being afraid to fall.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Inspiration Blog #2; All I Want.

So, here are two quotes from a song called 'All I Want,' by A Day To Remember. Obviously, they're my favorite quotes from the song. They're the ones that stand out to me the most. And, the official music video's included. Enjoy! :)

Creatures; Inspiration Blog, #1.

Lately I've been really obsessing over a song called 'Creatures', by Motionless In White. It's just something about the speech in the beginning of the video that I really love. Watch the video. I'm sure you'll love it too.

Blog Entry #3; The Declaration Of Independence.

In my opinion, I don't necessarily belive that the Declaration of Indepence was a sucess or a failure. First off, I don't believe it was a failure because the declaration did give people some independence. However, not everyone recieved that independence. Many people were still told what to say and when to say it. Which brings me to the point of it not being a success either.
As already stated, not everyone recieved independence. In fact, few did. For example, we are supposed to granted the freedom of speech, however children and adults of a lower power are taught to not disrespect their elders, or anyone in a higher class than them. That's just the 'proper' way, apparently. We're also supposed to be granted freedom of religion too, however if someone chooses not to believe in religion as a whole, they are often frowned upon by people that strongly believe in religion.
Another thing that I'd love to point out is the fact that the declaration states that if we are not granted this 'independence,' we are allowed to 'overthrow' the government. However, today, if we try to defy the law, and the government, the only thing that's going to be thrown is us, in jail.