Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Entry #6; Culture's Influence.

I come from a diverse family. My mother's side of the family is Hispanic, and my father's side of the family is European. Ironically, the beliefs of my parents aren't too different. In other words, my father and mother are almost always in agreement about most things, such as discipline, and respect. My parents raised me to respect myself, and others.
My household is predominately Hispanic, since we live with my maternal grandparents. However, the primary language is English, although almost everyone in the house speaks Spanish as well. A lot of things that we do in our household is strongly influenced by the Puerto Rican culture. For example, in the Puerto Rican culture, they believe that licking a string and placing it on a baby's forehead stops hiccups. Needless to say, when I had hiccups as a baby, my mother would always place that string on my forehead. Towards my father's culture, we tend to eat a lot of Ukrainian food, and always attend the St. Patrick's Day Parade.
If I was born into a different culture, I wouldn't be who I am today. I wouldn't eat certain foods, do certain things, attend certain places. I'd be a completely different person based on the beliefs amongst the culture.

Thursday, November 10, 2011